Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Douglas Brinkley calls for Dictatorship.

Douglas Brinkley, historian, has just advocated that Obama start to forget about congress and use executive powers to push his agenda.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Say No To GMO.

I want everyone whom reads my Blog to go check out my friends' video. Monsanto, Dupont (Pioneer), and the other two major seed production companies are poisoning you with pesticides in the GMO foods you eat. We as the public must stand together and demand that congress enforce labeling laws that require GMO foods to be labeled.

Please, write your congressmen and tell them the importance of restricting GMO use and insure labeling laws. Watch this video, not only will the life of your children depend upon it the environment of the earth does. Bees & Ladybugs are dieing because of these poisonous crops. If these pollinators go extinct that means the whole ecology of the world will be in chaos and could perish. All life depends upon pollination of plants. If the pollinators go extinct that means the plants die. If the plants die then that leads to even more food shortages for us and the wildlife.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brown V Coakley & The state of the nation.

It is clear that the Democrats are really on the attack in Massachusetts. I am surprised that they don't have Carter up there as well. With the comments of Ed Schultz stating that he would try to stuff the ballot box & Matthews lamenting that the democrats could not just buy the election, it really shows the disdain for the common person.


What is worse is it shows the state of the nation where openness, honestly, integrity, and fairness are traded for corruption & deceit. A republic is based on the rule of law for all. A foundational principle of a republic is the peoples' respect for the law. These comments show that in reality, these men that are called to lead the nation by reporting the facts just want their candidate to win at any cost. I am not only bashing the Democrats, because the Republicans do the same thing. The only thing that can save this nation is to return to the constitution. But, the sad thing is that will not happen because people are more interested in selfish gain rather than the preservation of the Republic. Unless this nation as a whole repents of their pursuit of selfish gain we will pay the price. That is we will be lead into "captivity" and enslaved by others, because we refused to follow the timeless principles. That window is short.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Child Endangerment Czar Jennings indictates Falwell as a terrorist.

Make no mistake I do not like Jerry Falwell. My description of him will be withheld. But this Blog is about Czar Jennings indicating him as terrorist.

"I have to stop and give my little homage to the Southern Baptist Church because one of its leaders, Jerry Falwell, two days ago just announced that the founder of one of the world[']s greatest religions, Mohammed, was a terrorist. Usually the religious right tapes everything I say, so let me make sure they get this [quote] down: Jerry Falwell, if you need to know what a terrorist looks like, go look in the mirror."

Now, as I have stated Falwell has issues. But this is not really about free speech. If it were just about free speech, I would be like blab away. But in reality this is about setting policy that becomes law. This is the clearest evidence yet that in the very short future all those that truly walk in faith will be considered a threat and a terrorist.

He outlined in another speech his objectives for homosexual acceptance/advancement in schools

To quote from an article by concerned women for America.

"The first goal is to make anti-homosexual behavior, including speech, "unacceptable" in America[']s schools."

This puts in black and white he desires to eliminate anti-homosexual speech.


Let me clarify something there is a big difference between anti-homosexual speech and hate speech. Hate speech is speech that is directly focused to cause violence to a particular individual or group. But to simply state homosexuality is not a healthy lifestyle is not hate speech. But yet it would fall into the category of anti-homosexual speech. Even with the fact that it can be proven. Active homosexuality increases chances of disease. Much more than a monogamous heterosexual relationship or abstinence. But, this is clearly part of an agenda to eventually ban all free speech with regard to sexual preference. As the young man, whom worked for Brookstone learned stating homosexuality is "bad stuff." This resulted in his termination when he was attempting to discretely state that he preferred that a manager's sexual preference was not discussed.

Make no mistake I am not for "banning" homosexuality between consenting adults. If you choose that lifestyle then you are responsible for the results of it. However, Jennings in the past has promoted homosexual statutory rape. What is next, our schools becoming brothels for Catholic Priests and other sick men to get their fix? Many talk about Michael Jackson and his "boys." But, have we become a nation that has no moral standards and desire to advocate this as normal behavior?

But then you have to look at the the Nobel prize winner for literature Jose Saramago, criticisms of the Bible as a book of Bad Morals.


One has to ask what keeps society from falling into chaos. Anarchy does not work because it just feeds constant chaos and no security. People in general will accept tyranny over anarchy. The moral component of society is what keeps it from falling into chaos. This nation was founded on the principle that freemen respected one another. Part of respect is not shoving an unpopular agenda down the throat of others. No, the media offers no respect. It does not take many brain cells to figure that out.

The problem many fail to see is this new world order has to bring complete chaos to America before they are willing to submit to the tyranny. They can pass what they want in DC. But that does not mean the people of this nation will comply. At best you will have protests, at worst an armed rebellion. I do not advocate violence, but if the idiots in DC do not stop their path they will pass that final line that results in an ugly mess. But, the sad truth is they want an ugly mess so they can implement their tyrannical control measures. Prepare Folks, it is going to get ugly.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hello All - Ireland is going paperless.

This is Calling for Freedom from Youtube. Well since someone decided to false flag and kill my Youtube account, I will just blog some. I could rant and be angry at the person, but why waste the energy. YT is not going to restore my account and do you think I am going to submit to their control grid where you give them the number to your personal tracking device? Think again.

Most will be surprised on how easy it will be to implement the electronic monetary system. Today I read that one of the Major banks in Ireland has chosen to stop dispencing physical notes.


The article implies that this paperless currency is already in place in some of the Scandinavian countries. It is well known that the empire known as the EU runs Europe now and the sovereign rights of the individual countries are minimized. I should not have to outline the horrifying risks of the paperless system, but I might do so on a separate blog. Simply put we have the world's banks controlled by a bunch of thieves and do you trust them to control your money. Most with a basic understanding of what is going on know that they currently control the stock markets and the currency valuations.