Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Say No To GMO.

I want everyone whom reads my Blog to go check out my friends' video. Monsanto, Dupont (Pioneer), and the other two major seed production companies are poisoning you with pesticides in the GMO foods you eat. We as the public must stand together and demand that congress enforce labeling laws that require GMO foods to be labeled.

Please, write your congressmen and tell them the importance of restricting GMO use and insure labeling laws. Watch this video, not only will the life of your children depend upon it the environment of the earth does. Bees & Ladybugs are dieing because of these poisonous crops. If these pollinators go extinct that means the whole ecology of the world will be in chaos and could perish. All life depends upon pollination of plants. If the pollinators go extinct that means the plants die. If the plants die then that leads to even more food shortages for us and the wildlife.

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